Joint Helicity/Future: Joint Helicity/Future I
Spin is a unique probe for unraveling the internal structure and QCD dynamics of nucleons. One of the main questions of modern nuclear physics is how the spin of the proton originates from its quark, anti-quark, and gluon constituents and their dynamics. The EIC, being the first polarized electron-proton collider, will venture into unexplored areas in spin physics, utilizing deep inelastic...
Quark helicity distributions play a crucial role in our understanding of the strong force and nucleon structure. An upgrade of Jefferson Lab's electron beam from 11 to 22 GeV would provide a unique opportunity to advance our understanding of quark helicity distributions, allowing us to probe at higher $Q^2$ and $x_{Bj}$ than ever before. In this talk, I will present an exploratory study of the...
Detection of the spectator nucleon in high-energy electron-deuteron scattering ("spectator tagging") controls the nuclear configuration during the high-energy process and permits a differential analysis of nuclear effects. In scattering on the polarized deuteron, spectator tagging effectively controls the spin structure of the nuclear configuration, by fixing the S/D wave ratio through the...