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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Jets for Spin Physics – An Experimental Perspective

Not scheduled
Grand Ballroom 3 (Durham Convention Center)

Grand Ballroom 3

Durham Convention Center

Talk Plenary Plenary


Christine Aidala (University of Michigan)


Since key theoretical developments 15 years ago that allowed more rigorous comparison of jets between experiment and theory, jets have become a powerful multipurpose tool in high-energy nuclear and particle physics. Linking partonic and hadronic degrees of freedom, they can provide access to spin-spin and spin-momentum correlations both in the nucleon and in the process of hadronization. Exploring novel ideas using jets to probe spin-dependent phenomena with data from existing facilities will better position us to fully exploit the potential of jet measurements at the Electron-Ion Collider in the 2030s.

Primary author

Christine Aidala (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials

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