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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Electromagnetic and gravitational form factors of the nucleon

Sep 25, 2023, 9:00 AM
Grand Ballroom 3 (Durham Convention Center)

Grand Ballroom 3

Durham Convention Center

Talk Plenary Plenary


Cedric Lorce (Ecole polytechnique)


Form factors are Lorentz invariant functions describing the internal structure of a system. In particular, they encode how physical properties like charge, energy, momentum, pressure, ... are spatially distributed. While nucleon electromagnetic form factors have been studied for a long time, the first extraction of nucleon gravitational form factors from experimental data was reported in 2018, triggering a lot of enthusiasm and attention in the hadronic community. In this talk we review some theoretical bases, discuss recent developments regarding the physical interpretation of these form factors, and give a glimpse of what can be learned about the mass and spin structure of the nucleon.

Primary author

Cedric Lorce (Ecole polytechnique)

Presentation materials