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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Measurement of the Neutron Spin Asymmetry in the Deep Valence Quark Region

Sep 25, 2023, 3:00 PM
Junior Ballroom D1-D2 (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom D1-D2

Durham Convention Center

Talk Nucleon helicity structure Nucleon Helicity Structure


Xiaochao Zheng (University of Virginia)


After decades of study of the nucleon spin structure, the deep-valence quark (high x) region remains difficult to access experimentally. On the other hand, the deep valence quark region is is a clean testing ground of various predictions for the ratio of polarized and unpolarized structure functions, and quark polarization inside the proton. These predictions include relativistic constituent-quark model, perturbative QCD, light-cone holographic QCD, and Schwinger-Dyson equations. We report on a 12 GeV Jefferson Lab experiment (E12-06-110) that measured the virtual photon asymmetry of the neutron, A1n. The experiment used a longitudinally polarized beam of 10.4 GeV energy and a polarized 3He target in Hall C. It pushed the highest x value from x=0.61 of the 6 GeV era to x=0.75. Preliminary results and the current status of the analysis will be presented.

(the author is giving this talk on behalf of the E12-06-110 Collaboration)

– This work is supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under contract number DE–SC0014434.

Primary author

Xiaochao Zheng (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials