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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Exploring Quark Helicity Distributions with a 22 GeV Beam at Jefferson Lab

Sep 25, 2023, 4:30 PM
Junior Ballroom D1-D2 (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom D1-D2

Durham Convention Center

Talk Nucleon helicity structure Joint Helicity/Future


Cameron Cotton (University of Virginia)


Quark helicity distributions play a crucial role in our understanding of the strong force and nucleon structure. An upgrade of Jefferson Lab's electron beam from 11 to 22 GeV would provide a unique opportunity to advance our understanding of quark helicity distributions, allowing us to probe at higher $Q^2$ and $x_{Bj}$ than ever before. In this talk, I will present an exploratory study of the impact such an upgrade would have on our knowledge of the nucleon spin structure and quark helicity distributions.

Primary author

Cameron Cotton (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials