Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering is the most direct channel to access Generalized Partons Distributions (GPD) and understand more about the 3D structure of the nucleon, the origin of its spin and the forces at play within it. Complete extraction of GPDs require the use of polarized electron beams and polarized nucleon targets in DVCS measurements.
In 2009, the CLAS collaboration measured DVCS on longitudinally polarized protons with a 6 GeV electron beam. This year, a new JLab experiment that just ran at 10.6 GeV will allow to extend the previous results by measuring DVCS off longitudinally polarized protons and neutrons in hydrogen and deuterium targets with the CLAS12 detector. In particular, target-spin and double-spin asymmetries will be measured for the first time for neutron DVCS. These results, alongside with beam-spin asymmetry measurements of nDVCS, will allow to extract neutron Compton Form Factors and access the H and E GPDs for the neutron. Combining results on the proton and the neutron will also allow for flavor decomposition of GPDs. Preliminary DVCS measurements on polarized protons in hydrogen have been conducted and will be presented, alongside with the experimental program on protons and neutrons.