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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Exploring Meson Structure at Jefferson Lab

Sep 25, 2023, 5:06 PM
Meeting Room 3-4 (Durham Convention Center)

Meeting Room 3-4

Durham Convention Center

Talk 3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs and Form Factors 3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs and Form Factors


Dave Gaskell


Electron scattering experiments sensitive to meson structure are made challenging by the lack of free meson targets. Experiments at Jefferson Lab make use of the nucleon's intrinsic meson cloud to study both the elastic and inelastic structure of pions and kaons. In experimental Hall C a program of exclusive pion electroproduction measurements (E12-19-006) will measure the t-dependence of the longitudinal cross section to extract the charged pion elastic form factor. Similar measurements (E12-09-011) will explore the possibility of accessing the kaon elastic form factor. A dedicated setup (using a large acceptance electron spectrometer with a recoil TPC) aims to tag recoiling nucleons to extract the meson inelastic structure function (C12-15-006). This talk will discuss the status of the pion and kaon electroproduction experiments as well as plans for the inelastic meson structure function experiment.

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