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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Singlet and Zeeman Relaxation Mechanisms Studied by Experiment and Computation

Sep 26, 2023, 4:00 PM
Grand Ballroom 2 (Durham Convention Center)

Grand Ballroom 2

Durham Convention Center

Talk Application of Nuclear Polarization Techniques to Other Fields Application of Nuclear Polarization Techniques to Other Fields


Prof. Alexej Jerschow (New York University)


Over the years, several relaxation mechanisms have been identified, including dipolar coupling, chemical shift anisotropy, paramagnetic relaxation, spin rotation and spin-internal motion, and the scalar relaxation of the second kind. While in principle, many of the mechanisms are well understood, estimating their size can be difficult. Furthermore, multiple experimental examples have been found that decidedly defy expectations.

We present here work on directly estimating singlet relaxation mechanisms from molecular dynamics simulations. Nuclear spins states have been shown to exceed spin-lattice relaxation times several fold, with impressive demonstrations of singlet lifetimes of more than an hour in organic molecules in solution. Here we show calculations for intermolecular mechanisms and find good agreement with experiment. It is particularly surprising to see that such mechanisms as intermolecular coupling to 35Cl and 37Cl nuclear spins (of the chloroform solvent) could be rate limiting for singlet states.
In addition, the spin-rotation relaxation mechanism is shown to be pronounced for both singlet and Zeeman order. Good agreement between experiment and computation is achieved. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of taking into account internal motion when calculating spin-rotation tensors.

Calculations of this sort may help in the design of particularly long-lived singlet states, or could be used to identify new probes for dynamics.

Primary author

Prof. Alexej Jerschow (New York University)

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