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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Deep Exclusive Meson Production as a probe to the puzzle of $\Lambda$ hyperon polarization

Sep 26, 2023, 9:44 AM
Meeting Room 3-4 (Durham Convention Center)

Meeting Room 3-4

Durham Convention Center

Talk 3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs and Form Factors Joint GPD/Future


Zhoudunming Tu (BNL)


In the 1970s, the unexpected discovery of transverse $\Lambda$ polarization in unpolarized proton-Beryllium collisions marked the beginning of investigating spin phenomena in high-energy physics. Over the past 50 years, similar transverse $\Lambda$ polarization has been observed in various collision systems, including hadron-hadron collisions, lepton-hadron deep inelastic scattering, and electron-positron annihilation. Despite numerous promising models and theoretical frameworks, the underlying mechanism behind this polarization phenomenon remains inconclusive to this day. However, in both longitudinally and transversely polarized lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions, it has been found that the $\Lambda$ hyperon does not acquire polarization relative to the initial parton spin polarization direction. Understanding how the $\Lambda$ hyperon does or does not obtain its spin has become one of the most crucial questions in understanding hadron spin structures. In this talk, I will present a new experimental proposal that employs an exclusive process called Deep Exclusive Meson Production (DEMP) to explicitly test the mechanism of $\Lambda$ polarization. The results of this experiment are expected to shed light on the dominant mechanism by which the $\Lambda$ acquires its spin, thereby resolving many of the ambiguities encountered previously. Finally, I will discuss the experimental opportunities and challenges that lie ahead at the Electron-Ion Collider.

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