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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Optimisation of Spin Coherence Time for Electric Dipole Moment measurements in a storage ring.

Sep 27, 2023, 11:40 AM
Junior Ballroom A3 (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom A3

Durham Convention Center


Rahul Shankar (University of Ferrara and INFN)


Electric dipole moments are very sensitive probes of physics beyond the Standard Model. The JEDI collaboration is dedicated to the search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles making use of polarized beams in a storage ring. In order to reach the highest possible sensitivity, a fundamental parameter to be optimized is the Spin Coherence Time (SCT), i.e., the time interval within which the particles of the stored beam maintain a net polarization greater than 1/e. To identify the working conditions that maximize SCT, accurate spin-dynamics simulations have been performed using BMAD. In this study, lattices of a "prototype" storage ring, which uses combined electric and magnetic fields for bending, and a "hybrid" storage ring using only electric bending fields with magnets for focusing, are investigated. This talk presents a model of spin behaviour in frozen-spin lattices that has been verified in both situations, as well as a technique to optimize the second-order beam optics for maximum SCT at any given working point.

Primary author

Rahul Shankar (University of Ferrara and INFN)


Prof. Andreas Lehrach (RWTH Aachen & FZ Jülich) Ms Anna Piccoli (University of Ferrara) Prof. Paolo Lenisa (University of Ferrara and INFN)

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