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EIC-related Generic R&D Proposal Review Meeting Day 2

ARC 231-3 for on-site committee members only ( all others by Zoom)

ARC 231-3 for on-site committee members only

all others by Zoom

David Mack (JLab)

Zoom address:

    • 1
      CSGlass for hadron calorimetry at the EIC (15+10)

      Proposal #1 (presentation 4 of 5 in the category: Calorimetry)

      Speaker: T. Horn (Catholic U. of America)
    • 2
      EIC KLM ("K_long and muon") R&D Proposal (15+10)

      Proposal #19 (presentation 5 of 5 in the category: Calorimetry)

      Speaker: A. Vossen (Duke U. )
    • 7:50 AM
    • 3
      Continued Development and Evaluation of a Low-Power High-Density High Timing Precision Readout ASIC for AC-LGADs (HPSoC) (15+10)

      Proposal #5 (presentation 3 of 3 in the category: Front End Electronics)

      Speaker: L. Macchiarulo (Nalu Scientific )
    • 4
      A proposal for MPGD-based transition radiation detector/tracker (15+10)

      Proposal #2 (presentation 1 of 3 in the category: PID non-TOF)

      Speaker: Y. Furletova (JLab)
    • 8:50 AM
      Break/Executive Session 2a
    • 5
      Development of a Novel Readout Concept for an EIC DIRC (15+10)

      Proposal #12 (presentation 2 of 3 in the category: PID non-TOF)

      Speaker: G. Kalicy (Catholic U. of America)
    • 6
      Tracking and PID with a GridPIX Detector (15+10)

      Proposal #14 (presentation 3 of 3 on the topic: PID non-TOF)

      Speaker: T. Hemmick (Stony Brook U.)
    • 10:25 AM
    • 7
      Precise Timing with a Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (15+10)

      Proposal #3 (presentation 1 of 3 in the category: Gaseous precision timing and/or tracking)

      Speaker: K. Dehmelt (Stony Brook U. )
    • 8
      Development of High Precision and Eco-friendly MRPC TOF Detector for EIC (15+10)

      Proposal #16 (presentation 2 of 3 in the category: Gaseous precision timing and/or tracking)

      Speaker: Zhihong Ye (Tsinghua U. )
    • 11:25 AM
      Break/Executive Session 2b/Lunch
    • 9
      Development of Thin Gap MPGDs for EIC Trackers (15+10)

      Proposal #23 (presentation 3 of 3 in the category: Gaseous precision timing and/or tracking)

      Speaker: S. Tarafdar (Vanderbilt U. )
    • 10
      Simulations of the physics impact of a solenoid-based compensation scheme for the field of the main detector solenoid in IR8 (15+10)

      Proposal #13 (presentation 1 of 2 in the category: Studies to support or expand the physics program)

      Speaker: P. Nadel-Turonski (Stony Brook U. )
    • 1:10 PM
    • 11
      Particle identification and tracking in real time using Machine Learning on FPGA (15+10)

      Proposal #15 (presentation 2 of 2 in the category: Studies to support or expand the physics program)

      Speaker: S. Furletov (JLab)
    • 12
      Superconducting Nanowire Detectors for the EIC (15+10)

      Propsal #18 (presentation 1 of 1 in the category: Other new detectors)

      Speaker: W. Armstrong (ANL)
    • 2:10 PM
      Break/Executive Session 2c
    • 13
      Close out

      Tonite I'll only list which of the 25 proposals have received at least partial funding.

      Tomorrow I'll start drafting a short comment on the proposals which did not get funded, such as "do the following simulations and please resubmit your interesting proposal for FY23 funding". That should be available on the scale of a week.

      Speaker: David Mack (JLab)