The High Luminosity LHC era at CERN will require Monte Carlo simulations to be at an even higher level of accuracy in order for them be suited for tasks such as background subtraction and filtering of rare events. In order to be able to keep up with the required amount of computing power, volunteer computing approaches can be used to complement existing Grid infrastructure.
In order to secure a traditional hash-based Proof-of-Work blockchain, large amounts of computational power are used for the sole purpose of spamming hashing operations that are of no use outside of the blockchain. Therefore, a sustainable PoUW consensus approach is proposed that aims to both support real-world HEP experiments with the production of required MC data and to secure underlying blockchain infrastructure at the same time. A prototype implementation of such an algorithm in the context of the Online-Offline simulation and analysis framework ALICE uses for Run 3 is currently being written in C++.
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