There exist emerging interests for e+e- Higgs factories in the context of FCCee feasibility study in Europe, ILC in Japan, and new proposals (C3, HELEN) at US. As an original developer of a widely-used software package of jet analysis including flavor tagging for e+e- linear collider studies, LCFIPlus (published at NIMA and arXiv:1506.08371), we are now developing DNN-based flavor tagging following original strategy of LCFIPlus. Based on the published results (arXiv:2101.11906, just accepted at NIMA), we present a trial to perform vertex reconstruction with RNN-based approach as well as more recent development for flavor tagging using GNN-based algorithm, accompanied with performance comparison with LCFIPlus. We are also working on DNN implementation of particle flow algorithm based on GravNet-based algorithm developed for CMS HGCal reconstruction, which will also be presented.
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