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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

Iterative and incremental development of the ATLAS Publication Tracking system

May 9, 2023, 2:00 PM
Chesapeake Meeting Room (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Chesapeake Meeting Room

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Oral Track 5 - Sustainable and Collaborative Software Engineering Track 5 - Sustainable and Collaborative Software Engineering


Cruz, Ana Clara Loureiro (Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro)


The ATLAS experiment involves almost 6000 members from approximately 300 institutes spread all over the globe and more than 100 papers published every year. This dynamic environment brings some challenges such as how to ensure publication deadlines, communication between the groups involved, and the continuity of workflows. The solution found for those challenges was automation, which was achieved through the Glance project, more specifically through the Glance Analysis systems, developed to support the analysis and publications life cycle in 2010. Now, after twelve years, in order to satisfy the experiments’ most recent needs, the systems need code refactoring and database remodeling. The goal is to have only one system to accommodate all the analysis and publications workflows, the so-called ATLAS Publication Tracking system, an evolution of the current Analysis systems. This project includes a database remodeling that reflects the hierarchical relation between analyses and publications; a code base that supports non-linear workflows; the expansion of the current API so all the authorized ATLAS members can access ATLAS publication data programmatically; a service-oriented architecture for integration with external software, such as GitLab; the creation of an automatic test environment, which assures the quality of the systems on each update. The ATLAS Publication Tracking system is a long-term project being developed with an iterative and incremental approach, which ensures that the most valuable tools are implemented with priority while allowing a smooth transition between the old systems and the new one.

Consider for long presentation No

Primary authors

Cruz, Ana Clara Loureiro (Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro) Afonso, Pedro Henrique Goes (Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro) Aleksandravicius, Gabriel de Aragão (Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro) Rodrigues, Carolina Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha (Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro) Torres, Rodrigo Coura (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) Pinhão, Gabriela Lemos Lúcidi (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas - LIP, Lisbon)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
