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Hypernuclear Physics Workshop 2023

F324/325 (Jefferson Lab)


Jefferson Lab

Liguang Tang (Hampton University/JLab), Toshiyuki Gogami (Kyoto University)

Hypernuclear physics program at JLab is one of important reserch activities to investigate the baryon interaction with strangeness degrees of freedom. In the workshop, we will discuss a significance and a uniquenss of the JLab hypernuclear research in contrast with those at other experimental facilities such as J-PARC (Japan), MAMI (Germany) and so on.  

Part 1. Hypernuclear Research at JLab and Other Facilities

  • Research at JLab (US), J-PARC (Japan), MAMI (Germany), etc.
  • Special Theory Seminar
    • Presenter: Prof. M. Isaka (Hosei University, Japan)
    • Title: Structure of hypernuclei: what will happen by the coupling of Lambda particle? 

Part 2. Next Hypernuclear Experiment at JLab (Hall C)

  • E12-15-008 (A = 40, 48)
  • E12-19-002 (A = 3, 4)
  • E12-20-013 (A = 208)


Zoom information: 



Registration for this is a TWO PART process. Please see below. Failure to register for the event and for site access (if applicable) may result in your being denied access. 

  • (REQUIRED) Event Registration: here
  • (REQUIRED) If you plan to attend in person and are not already active as a user/staff/or visitor you MUST register for SITE ACCESS a MINIMUM of 7 days in advance. Site Access: JLab Guest Access Portal



A photograph of HES and HKS spectrometers used for 

a previous hypernuclear experiment at Hall C (2009, E05-115). 


    • AM: Hypernuclear Research at JLab and Other Facilities F324/325


      Jefferson Lab

      Convener: J Reinhold (FIU)
      • 1
        Speaker: J Reinhold (FIU)
      • 2
        Strangeness nuclear physics in the world and significance of research project at JLab
        Speaker: S.N. Nakamura (U. Tokyo)
      • 3
        Hypernuclear physics history and some results (JLab Hall C)
        Speaker: L Tang (JLAB/Hampton U)
      • 4
        Hypernuclear physics history and some results (JLab Hall A)
        Speaker: G Urciuoli (INFN)
      • 5
        Challenge to investigate the baryon interaction of multi-strangeness sector at J-PARC

        The strong interaction between a nucleon and a $\Xi$ which has two strange quarks will be investigated through spectroscopy of $\Xi$ hypernuclei at K1.8 beam line of J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Construction and installation of a new magnetic spectrometer S-2S are almost completed, and the first S-2S experiment with a kaon beam is planned to be carried out in May-June 2023. I will introduce an overview of multi-strangeness physics programs by S-2S.

        Speaker: T Gogami (Kyoto Univ.)
    • 10:40 AM
      Coffee Break F324/325


      Jefferson Lab

    • 6
      Special Theory Seminar: "Structure of hypernuclei: What will happen by the coupling of a Lambda particle?" F324/325


      Jefferson Lab

      One of the unique and interesting aspects of hypernuclei is structure change due to the addition of a Lambda particle as an impurity. Since a Lambda particle is unaffected by the nuclear Pauli principle in hypernuclei, it can penetrate into nuclear interior and modify nuclear structure through the interactions between the Lambda and nucleons. For example, in $^7_\Lambda$Li, the inter-cluster distance between the alpha and deuteron clusters of the core nucleus $^6$Li is reduced by the addition of a Lambda particle, which has been confirmed by observing the E2 transition probability.

      In the heavier Lambda hypernuclei, we can expect that many kinds of phenomena will occur by the coupling of a Lambda particle to the ordinary nuclei, because they have various structures such as pronounced cluster structure, triaxial deformation and coexistence of cluster structure and/or deformed mean-field-like structure in the ground and low-lying states. As examples, in this talk, we will focus on several phenomena expected in the Lambda hypernuclei: 1) “dynamical changes of nuclear structure”, 2) “dependence/sensitivity of the Lambda binding energy on nuclear structure” and 3) “coupling of Lambda to deformed core nuclei”. Furthermore, we will also discuss the importance of the hypernuclear experiments at JLab on the hypernuclear structure study.

      Speaker: M Isaka (Housei Univ.)
    • 12:00 PM
    • PM: Next Hypernuclear Experiment at JLab F324/325


      Jefferson Lab

      Conveners: P Markowitz (FIU), S.N. Nakamura (U. Tokyo)