The mechanical properties of the proton, including angular momentum, mass, pressure, and shear forces, are encoded in the matrix element of the proton energy-momentum tensor and are expressed in the gravitational form factors (GFFs). Recent theoretical developments have shown that GFFs can be accessed in deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and in deeply virtual (vector) mesons production (DVMP). In DVCS, two photons couple to the proton and mimic the graviton-proton interaction, allowing to probe its mechanical properties. This new direction of research on nucleon structure has already enabled the determination of the pressure distribution inside the proton for the first time.
In this talk, we discuss the extraction of the shear forces and their spatial distribution and compare them to model predictions. We will also present the prospects for the future experimental program with the proposed Jefferson Lab energy upgrade and the US Electron-Ion Collider.