Please visit Jefferson Lab Event Policies and Guidance before planning your next event:

Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone


Final Circular:


[Indico] GHP2023: Final Circular


GHP 2023 - The 10th Biennial Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics 
April 12 - 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Dear participants,

We are looking forward to welcoming you in person or virtually in Minneapolis for the GHP2023 workshop!

On the meeting website you find among other items, information about the

  • Timetable (program overview)
    • 4 plenary and 24 parallel sessions and 2 plenary prize sessions on Friday afternoon
    • a celebratory talk on the origins of GHP on the occasion of the 10th edition of the workshop
    • the GHP business meeting Wednesday evening
    • the Workshop Banquet Thursday night
  • Timetable detailed view (scheduled talks)
    • Meeting Rooms (which rooms do we use plus hotel map)
    • Zoom link for registered participants.
  • Contribution list
    • All speakers, both in person and remote,  please upload their talk as pdf at least 2 hours before their session
      Upload via sub-item 'My Contributions', you have to be logged in with your credentials.
    • Please note that all talks will be presented using the session laptops.  For remote presentations, the session chair will advance the slides.
    • Remote speakers please tune in 15 minutes before their session to check on the zoom connection.
  • Workshop Banquet
    • with information on how to sign up if you haven't yet !
      Please don't hesitate to ask questions in reply to this.

We wish you safe travels & great internet for next week,

Susan Schadmand,

for the organizers


Second circular:

Subject: 10th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (Program, Registration, and Travel information) 

Dear Colleagues,

This is the second circular of the 10th Biennial Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP2023) which will be held in a hybrid mode on April 12-14, 2023, both in-person in Minneapolis, MN, and via Zoom, although attendance in-person is strongly encouraged. The workshop immediately precedes the 2023 APS April Meeting and provides a great opportunity for nuclear and particle physicists to meet and discuss their common interests in hadronic interactions.


The GHP workshop will feature presentations on a wide variety of hadronic physics topics, including nuclear structure and tomography, hadronization, the physics of heavy ion collisions and the Electron-Ion Collider. The program is now near final on the workshop website:

In addition to the scientific program, the GHP business meeting will be held in the evening on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. A social event (workshop banquet) is planned for Thursday evening, April 13, 2023.


The registration is open. GHP2023 is a satellite meeting of the APS April meeting 2023 with separate registration, which is a two-step process described at the workshop website:

We request that all participants complete the full registration including the payment of the registration fee by March 31, 2023. The registration fee will increase by $20 on April 1st, 2023.

Workshop dinner:

During the registration process, you may also purchase a ticket for the workshop banquet, which will take place on Thursday, April 13, 2023 at The Union Rooftop.


Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodations. The deadline for booking a room at the conference hotel is March 20, 2023. Information can be found at the workshop website:

Workshop poster:

The workshop poster is available for download

Looking forward to seeing you in Minneapolis or on zoom,

The workshop organizing committee: 

William Brooks (co-chair) 
Julia Velkovska (co-chair) 
Ron Belmont 
Ian Cloët 
Martha Constantinou 
James Dunlop 
Dave Gaskell 
Spencer Klein 
Alexei Prokudin 
Susan Schadmand 
Axel Schmidt 
Ramona Vogt


First Circular

Subject: 10th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
(abstract submission is open)

Dear Colleagues,

This is the first circular of the 10th Biennial Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP2023) which will be held in mixed mode on April 12-14, 2023, both in-person in Minneapolis, MN, and via Zoom, although attendance in-person is strongly encouraged. The workshop immediately precedes the APS April Meeting 2023.

The workshop website can be found at:

To assist in meeting organization we invite all those interested to register at the workshop website. The registration fees are as follows, please see the website for details and options:

 GHP membernon-member GHP
Regular, in person$160$210
Students, in person$25$75
Online participation$30$80

The workshop will consist of plenary talks and invited/contributed parallel talks. We anticipate that all parallel talks will be 20+5 mins. There will also be an opportunity to give flash talks in the afternoon of Friday, April 16.

Abstract submission is now open on the website with a submission deadline of 20 January 2023. If you wish to give a flash talk, please note that on the abstract.

The GHP workshop provides a great opportunity for nuclear and particle physicists to share their research and common interests in hadronic physics. We are hoping for your attendance and participation, and that you will also encourage your students and postdocs to take part.

The topics of the workshop include:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning for hadron physics
  • Electron Ion collider and other future initiatives
  • Electroweak probes
  • Extreme matter and neutron star collisions
  • Hadrons in nuclei
  • Hadron spectroscopy
  • Hadron tomography
  • Hadronization
  • Heavy flavor and jet production
  • Neutrino-hadron interactions
  • New physics and discrete symmetry violation in hadron physics
  • Nonequilibrium dynamics
  • Nucleon and nuclear spin physics
  • Origin of hadron mass
  • Physics of the quark-gluon plasma
  • Quantum information for hadron physics
  • Small systems and collectivity
  • Transverse and longitudinal structure of hadrons
  • Ultraperipheral Collisions

Please mark your calendars. We hope to see many of you at this GHP2023 workshop!

On behalf of the GHP Organizing Committee:

William Brooks (co-chair)
Julia Velkovska (co-chair)
Ron Belmont
Ian Cloët
Martha Constantinou
James Dunlop
Dave Gaskell
Spencer Klein
Alexei Prokudin
Susan Schadmand
Axel Schmidt
Ramona Vogt