Please visit Jefferson Lab Event Policies and Guidance before planning your next event:

Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Information for remote particiants

The zoom link is available on the indico webpage, for registered participants only. 

You need to log in with your credentials for your account at

In order to login, go to the upper right corner of the website and select login. If you have forgotten your password, you can ask to have it reset, by clicking on Forgot my password

The zoom link is found on the left hand side menu as the third sub-item to the item "Timetable detailed", along with information how to find a parallel session at the zoom breakout rooms.

Parallel sessions are accessible via zoom breakout rooms.

Remote speakers please appear in their zoom room 15 minutes before the session starts.

All speakers please upload their talk as pdf at least 2 hours before their session
Upload via sub-item 'My Contributions', you have to be logged in with your credentials. For remote speakers, we will download the talk to the local computer and the session chair will advance the slides.

Please test your access early and contact for help.