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Zoom address:
Proposal #1 (presentation 4 of 5 in the category: Calorimetry)
Proposal #19 (presentation 5 of 5 in the category: Calorimetry)
Proposal #5 (presentation 3 of 3 in the category: Front End Electronics)
Proposal #2 (presentation 1 of 3 in the category: PID non-TOF)
Proposal #12 (presentation 2 of 3 in the category: PID non-TOF)
Proposal #14 (presentation 3 of 3 on the topic: PID non-TOF)
Proposal #3 (presentation 1 of 3 in the category: Gaseous precision timing and/or tracking)
Proposal #16 (presentation 2 of 3 in the category: Gaseous precision timing and/or tracking)
Proposal #23 (presentation 3 of 3 in the category: Gaseous precision timing and/or tracking)
Proposal #13 (presentation 1 of 2 in the category: Studies to support or expand the physics program)
Proposal #15 (presentation 2 of 2 in the category: Studies to support or expand the physics program)
Propsal #18 (presentation 1 of 1 in the category: Other new detectors)
Tonite I'll only list which of the 25 proposals have received at least partial funding.
Tomorrow I'll start drafting a short comment on the proposals which did not get funded, such as "do the following simulations and please resubmit your interesting proposal for FY23 funding". That should be available on the scale of a week.