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Jul 23 – 28, 2012
JLab and William and Mary
US/Eastern timezone


WG4 Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications

Jul 24, 2012, 11:00 AM
JLab and William and Mary

JLab and William and Mary


WG4 Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications: Underappreciated Experiments with Muons

  • Bob Bernstein (Fermilab)

WG4 Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications: CLFV Experiments with Muons I

  • Tsutomu Mibe (IPNS, KEK)

WG4 Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications: CLFV Experiments with Muons II

  • Elisabetta Baracchini (The University of Tokyo)

WG4 Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications: Muon Experiments at Future Facilities and g-2

  • Dirk Wiedner (Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg)

WG4 Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications: Muon Experiments at Future Facilities and g-2

  • Bob Bernstein (Fermilab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Seigo Miyamoto (Earthquake research institute ,The university of Tokyo)
7/24/12, 11:20 AM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Ms Elizabetta Baracchini (The University of Tokyo)
7/24/12, 2:00 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Ed Hungerford (University of Houston)
7/24/12, 2:35 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Peter Kasper (FermiLab)
7/24/12, 3:10 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Akira Sato (Okasa University)
7/24/12, 3:35 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Akira Sato (Osaka University)
7/24/12, 4:30 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Dr Dirk Wiedner (Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg)
7/24/12, 5:00 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
7/24/12, 5:30 PM
WG4 - Muon Physics and other High Intensity Applications
Fritz DeJongh (FermiLab)
7/25/12, 4:55 PM
Building timetable...