Please make sure you're logged in (top right corner on this site)
Please note you need an Indico account to upload your presentation.
To do the uploading itself:
Click in the menu on "My Contributions" (under "my conference")
Click on the "view" link to the right of your presentation's title.
In the section "Reviewing material", click on "Upload Paper" and choose the paper to upload. Fill out any other information as needed. Click on the button to "Create Resource".
Finally, just click on the button "Submit" under the section labeled "Step 2 - Submit the Paper". That's it...
Click in the menu on "My Contributions" (under "my conference")
Click on the "view" link to the right of your presentation's title.
In the section "Reviewing material", click on "Upload Paper" and choose the paper to upload. Fill out any other information as needed. Click on the button to "Create Resource".
Finally, just click on the button "Submit" under the section labeled "Step 2 - Submit the Paper". That's it...
Deadline for paper submission: Friday, November 16, 2012.