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Mar 15โ€‰โ€“โ€‰21, 2024
Sheraton Waterside Hotel
US/Eastern timezone


Poster Session - Light Reception

Mar 19, 2024, 5:30โ€ฏPM
Ballroom (Sheraton Waterside Hotel)


Sheraton Waterside Hotel

777 Waterside Dr. Norfolk, VA 23510


All posters are allotted 15 minutes for presentations

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ms Asma Khan (Department of Nuclear & Radiochemistry Kishinchand Chellaram College, HSNC University Mumbai-400020, India.), Hemlata Bagla (Department of Nuclear and Radiochemistry , Kishinchand Chellaram College , HSNC University , Mumbai , India)
3/19/24, 5:50โ€ฏPM
Medical Applications of Accelerators

Sterilization by electron beam irradiation offers significant advantages. In the present work, the effect of e-beam on the physicochemical properties of honey was studied. Four commercially available honey samples were irradiated with the beams of 3.5MeV electrons at dose rate 10, 20, 30, and 40 kGy using the linear pulse acceleratorat Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), India....

Taryn Brown (Arizona State Unviersity)
3/19/24, 6:04โ€ฏPM
Tristan Jones (Jefferson Lab - Accelerator R&D)
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