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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

TMD Fragmentations from thrust dependent observables.

Apr 14, 2023, 11:10 AM
Orchestra B

Orchestra B


Andrea Simonelli (ODU Research Foundation and JLAB)


Extending the TMD factorization to thrust-dependent observables entails difficulties ultimately associated with the behavior of soft radiation.
In this talk, the factorization properties of the thrust distribution of $e^+e^-$ annihilation into a single hadron are discussed and their peculiarities with respect to standard TMD factorization are highlighted.
I present the phenomenological extraction of the unpolarized TMD Fragmentation Function for pions, for the first time based on a sound factorization theorem that correctly takes into account the thrust dependence in the $2$-jet region.

Primary author

Andrea Simonelli (ODU Research Foundation and JLAB)


Prof. Mariaelena Boglione (University of Turin and INFN Torino)

Presentation materials