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Feb 5 – 9, 2018
Ghent University, Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone


Scale dependence / Short-range correlations

Feb 6, 2018, 2:00 PM
Ghent University, Belgium

Ghent University, Belgium

Proeftuinstraat 86, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Mark Strikman (Penn State University)
2/6/18, 2:00 PM
Dr Thomas Neff (GSI Darmstadt)
2/6/18, 2:40 PM
Kai Hebeler (Technical University Darmstadt)
2/6/18, 3:50 PM
Jan Ryckebusch (Ghent University)
2/7/18, 2:00 PM
Axel Schmidt (MIT)
2/7/18, 2:40 PM
Prof. Donal Day (University of Virginia)
2/7/18, 3:50 PM
Prof. Misak Sargsian (Florida International University)
2/7/18, 4:30 PM
Building timetable...