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Jun 17 – 21, 2024
Hilton Hotel York
Europe/London timezone

Recent results from SPring-8 LEPS2 (25+5)

Jun 20, 2024, 11:30 AM
Bootham and Micklegate Suite (Hilton Hotel York)

Bootham and Micklegate Suite

Hilton Hotel York


Norihito Muramatsu (ELPH, Tohoku University)


The SPring-8 LEPS2 project explores the nature of hadrons through photoproduction processes by using a photon beam which is linear-polarized uniquely up to 2.4 GeV. One of the main subjects of LEPS2 is a light baryon spectroscopy in the s-channel of various meson photoproduction reactions. For this purpose, the BGOegg experiment was carried out with a detector setup where a liquid hydrogen target was covered by a large-acceptance and high-resolution electromagnetic calorimeter. Recent results on the baryon spectroscopy in the BGOegg experiment will be mainly discussed with plans by using the phase-2 upgraded setup. In addition, other recent results of the LEPS2 project will be mentioned as the related topics toward the understanding of hadron structures.

Primary author

Norihito Muramatsu (ELPH, Tohoku University)

Presentation materials