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Mar 15 – 21, 2024
Sheraton Waterside Hotel
US/Eastern timezone

Upgrading and development of the Lebanese accelerator setup for IBA applications in environment and archaeology

Mar 19, 2024, 5:40 PM
3rd Floor - Poplar/Providence Hall (Sheraton Waterside Hotel)

3rd Floor - Poplar/Providence Hall

Sheraton Waterside Hotel

Poster Accelerator Facilities Poster Session - Light Reception


Mohamad Roumie (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission)


A 5SDH Tandem Pelletron accelerator was commissioned at the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission in 1999. It was to promote the use of ion beam analysis techniques (IBA) among the local scientific community for their research studies, as well as to perform collaborative projects with different potential users and collaborators from abroad. Many IBA applications have been done in cultural heritage, environment and materials science, using mainly PIXE (proton induced x-ray emission), RBS (Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy) and PIGE (proton induced gamma ray emission). Meanwhile, the accelerator facility was in a continuous process of upgrading over the years, for a better use of IBA techniques capabilities. The latest developments of the accelerator concern the use of SDD detectors, the installation of a new external micro-beam-line and recently the modification of the ion injector by adding a dual ion source, comprising a new alphatross radio frequency and a duoplasmatron. Thus, it will be shown the improvement in the performance and the new capabilities of the modified setup, also highlighting some significant case studies.

Primary author

Mohamad Roumie (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission)


Ms Manale Noun (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission) Mr Ahmad Reslan (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission) Mr Bilal Nsouli (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission)

Presentation materials