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Jul 23 – 24, 2023
Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

$\Lambda$-hyperon spin-spin correlations at ePIC

Jul 24, 2023, 4:00 PM
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, Poland


Jan Vanek (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


About 50 years ago, it was discovered that $\Lambda$ hyperons are produced polarized in collisions of unpolarized protons on beryllium. Despite enormous experimental and theoretical efforts, the origin of this polarization remains inconclusive to date. The $\Lambda$ polarization has also been observed in various collision systems, from $e^+e^-$ to heavy-ion collisions. A recently proposed technique for the investigation of the $\Lambda$ hyperon polarization is a measurement of $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$, $\Lambda\Lambda$, and $\bar{\Lambda}\bar{\Lambda}$ spin-spin correlations. This technique is expected to help understand if the polarization is generated at early stages of the collisions, e.g. from initial state parton spin correlation, or if it is a final state effect originating from hadronization. In this talk, I present prospects of performing the $\Lambda$ hyperon pair spin-spin correlation measurement at ePIC in context of results from other experiments from measurements of single $\Lambda$ hyperon polarization.

Primary author

Jan Vanek (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials