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Jul 23 – 24, 2023
Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

ePIC Far Backward Overview

Jul 24, 2023, 11:30 AM
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, Poland


Dr Stephen Kay (University of York)


The far backward region contains several detectors that are critical for luminosity monitoring. Luminosity measurements provide the required normalisation for all physics studies, without them, determining absolute cross sections would not be possible. The detectors in this region are also vital for some studies, such as XYZ spectroscopy. In this talk, I will provide a brief overview of the detectors in this region. I will highlight the latest designs for these detectors and the technologies that will be utilise, with a focus on ongoing efforts at York to design and build the luminosity pair spectrometer. I will also give a brief overview of some of the physics measurements enabled by these detectors.

Primary author

Dr Stephen Kay (University of York)

Presentation materials