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Jul 23 – 24, 2023
Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

$u$-Channel Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS) at the EIC

Jul 24, 2023, 10:30 AM
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, Poland


Zachary Sweger (UC Davis)


$u$-channel VCS is Compton scattering of a photon off of a proton, involving a near-maximal momentum transfer between the two. In the $\gamma^*p$ center-of-mass frame, the photon and proton recoil backward. The $u$-channel contribution to the VCS cross section is not well understood and may encode unique information about parton distributions within the proton. Recent simulations of $u$-channel VCS at the EIC will be presented. Prospects for detecting these events in a future ePIC detector will be discussed, as well as methods to reduce the background from $u$-channel $\pi^0$ production.

Primary author

Zachary Sweger (UC Davis)

Presentation materials