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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Isoscalar Parton Distribution with Disconnected Diagrams

Apr 12, 2023, 3:00 PM
Orchestra B

Orchestra B


Christopher Chamness (The College of William & Mary)


In this talk, I will present results of the isoscalar quark parton distribution function (PDF) with disconnected diagrams. PDFs measure the distributions of quarks within hadrons and are used as a theoretical input to interpret results from collider experiments probing the Standard Model. These PDFs are determined by using Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics with the pseudo-PDF approach. Disconnected diagrams particularly have issues with signal-to-noise, we employ Multi-Grid deflation and a new coloring scheme for the probing technique that is designed to work well for non-zero displacements in the quark and anti-quark fields.

Primary author

Christopher Chamness (The College of William & Mary)

Presentation materials