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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

QCD in Nuclei: Hidden Color Singlets and Diquark Phenomenology

Apr 13, 2023, 3:20 PM
Orchestra A

Orchestra A


Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab)


Recent proposals for hadronic physics contributions to nuclear structure and dynamics in the form of diquark-based short-range correlations (SRC) and hidden color states in nuclear wavefunctions will be discussed. While hidden color states have a 40-plus year history as rigorous predictions of the SU(3) basis of QCD, future experimental developments promise unprecedented access to their study. Hidden color states are typically built upon diquark bonds and this connection will be made explicit. Long standing mysteries such as the EMC effect and the fundamental QCD basis of SRC pairs in nuclei may have solutions based on the new diquark dynamics described herein.

Primary authors

Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab) Prof. Stan Brodsky (SLAC/Stanford University)

Presentation materials