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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Femtoscopic correlations between D0 mesons and identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV at STAR

Apr 14, 2023, 11:50 AM
Orchestra B

Orchestra B


Priyanka Roy Chowdhury (Warsaw University of Technology)


Heavy quarks, like charm quarks, are produced early in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions and probe all stages of the evolution of the created medium – known as the Quark Gluons Plasma. Two-particle correlations at low relative momentum (the femtoscopic correlations) are sensitive to the interactions in the final state and the extent of the region from which correlated particles are emitted, the so-called region of homogeneity. A study of such correlations between charmed mesons
and identified hadrons could shed light on their interactions in the hadronic phase and the interaction of charm quarks with the bulk partons.
We will present a study of femtoscopic correlations of D0-π, D0-K, and D0-proton pairs at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV using data taken in the year 2014 by the STAR experiment. D0 mesons are reconstructed via the K--π+ decay channel using topological criteria enabled by the excellent track pointing resolution provided by the Heavy Flavor Tracker. We will present the femtoscopic correlation function for D0 transverse momentum above 1 GeV/c in the 0-80% centrality.

Primary author

Priyanka Roy Chowdhury (Warsaw University of Technology)

Presentation materials