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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

The Search for Hybrid Mesons at GlueX

Apr 12, 2023, 4:00 PM
Orchestra C

Orchestra C


William Imoehl (Carnegie Mellon University)


The quark model predicts a hierarchy of mesons with certain allowed $J^{PC}$, but experimental evidence has been found for several states with $J^{PC}$ that are forbidden for a pure quark anti-quark state. In the light quark sector, the most well studied of these states is the $\pi_1(1600)$. This state has several properties consistent with lattice QCD predictions for a light hybrid meson, a meson with an excited gluonic field. The GlueX experiment has collected high statistics photoproduction data, which will be used to study the properties of the $\pi_1(1600)$. This talk will summarize the current analysis efforts and future prospects for studying the $\pi_1(1600)$ at GlueX.

Primary author

William Imoehl (Carnegie Mellon University)

Presentation materials