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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

N to Delta Transition Form Factors at low momentum transfers

Apr 14, 2023, 10:30 AM
Orchestra C

Orchestra C


Hamza Atac (Temple University)


The first excited state of the nucleon dominates many nuclear phenomena at energies above the pion-production threshold and plays a prominent role in the physics of the strong interaction. The study of the N to ∆ transition form factors (TFFs) allows to shed light on key aspects of the nucleonic structure that are essential for the complete understanding of the nucleon dynamics. In this talk we will discuss measurements of the TFFs in Hall C at JLab, utilizing the SHMS and the HMS spectrometers, that focus on low four-momentum transfer squared where the mesonic cloud dynamics are dominant and rapidly changing.

Primary authors

Hamza Atac (Temple University) RUONAN LI (Temple University) Michael Paolone (New Mexico State University) Nikos Sparveris (Temple University) Mark Jones (Jefferson Lab) Mohammad Ali (New Mexico State University)

Presentation materials