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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Properties of gluon fields at early times in relativistic heavy ion collisions from a proper time expansion

Apr 12, 2023, 2:00 PM
Orchestra D

Orchestra D


Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)


We present some analytic results that describe the gluon fields at very early times after a collision of relativistic heavy ions at proper time $\tau = 0$. We use a Colour Glass Condensate approach, and perform an analytic expansion in $\tau$. We calculate the transverse and longitudinal pressures and show that they move towards their equilibrium values of one third of the energy density. We find a significant correlation between the elliptic flow coefficient of the azimuthal momentum distribution and the spatial eccentricity, which indicates that the spatial inhomogeneity introduced by the initial geometry is effectively transmitted to the azimuthal distribution of the gluon momentum field, even at very early times. We calculate the angular momentum of the glasma and obtain results that are many orders of magnitude smaller than the initial angular momentum of two ions colliding with non-zero impact parameter. This indicates that most of the angular momentum carried by the valence quarks is not transmitted to the glasma. We calculate the momentum broadening parameter of a heavy quark probe, and show that the glasma plays an important role in jet quenching.

Primary author

Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)

Presentation materials