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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Rapidity-only TMD factorization at one loop

Apr 13, 2023, 4:20 PM
Orchestra B

Orchestra B


Ian Balitsky (JLab/ODU)


Typically, a production of a particle with a small transverse momentum in hadron-hadron collisions is described
by CSS-based TMD factorization at moderate Bjorken $x_B\sim 1$ and by $k_T$-factorization at small $x_B$.
A uniform description valid for all $x_B$ is provided by rapidity-only TMD factorization developed in a series
of recent papers at the tree level. In this paper the rapidity-only TMD factorization for particle production iby
gluon fusion is extended to the one-loop level.

Primary author

Ian Balitsky (JLab/ODU)

Presentation materials