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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

J/ψ near threshold in holographic QCD: A and D gravitational form factors

Apr 13, 2023, 3:00 PM
Orchestra C

Orchestra C


Kiminad Mamo (ANL)


The diffractive photoproduction of J/Ψ on a nucleon is mostly due to gluonic exchanges at all s. In holographic QCD (large number of colors and strong  ′t Hooft coupling), these exchanges are captured by gravitons near threshold, and their reggeized form (Pomeron) asymptotically. We revisit our holographic analysis of the A and D gravitational form factors in light of the new lattice data, and use them to refine our predictions for the photoproduction of J/Ψ near threshold, and the comparison to the GlueX data. We use these results to estimate the scalar and mass radii of the nucleon, and describe the gravitational pressure and shear across a nucleon. We also discuss the recent extraction of gluonic form factors of proton, by J/Ψ-007 collaboration at JLab, using our holographic scattering amplitude for near threshold J/Ψ photoproduction.

Primary authors

ismail zahed (stony brook university) Kiminad Mamo (Stony Brook University) Kiminad Mamo (ANL)

Presentation materials