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Jul 24 – 25, 2022
CFNS Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Study of TMDs in DIS single-jet production *

Jul 24, 2022, 10:45 AM
Physics C120 (Peter Paul Seminar Room) (CFNS Stony Brook University)

Physics C120 (Peter Paul Seminar Room)

CFNS Stony Brook University


Lorenzo Rossi (University of Pavia & INFN)


In this talk we present the necessary formalism to study the Deep Inelastic Scattering with the production of an hadronic jet. More precisely we focus the factorization of the cross section as convolution of TMD PDF and the Jet TMD-FF, which is the function that we have calculated at NLO. Moreover we present some phenomenological predictions at N2LL for the EIC kinematic regions.

Presentation materials