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Study of alternative materials for next generation SRF cavities at Cornell University

Mar 17, 2021, 8:40 AM
Virtual Edition

Virtual Edition

Alternate material based SRF thin films Alternate material based SRF thin films


Zeming Sun (CLASSE)


Alternative materials are required in the SRF field to push the cavity performance limits. At Cornell, we investigate various A15 superconductor options that include Nb3Sn, V3Si, MgB2, and NbTiN thin films. We also explore different deposition approaches and post processes to optimize the material properties. In the workshop, we provide an overview of the ongoing progress at Cornell. Specifically, we discuss the electroplating and sputtering approaches to generate high quality Nb3Sn thin films via direct deposition or taking advantage of post annealing. We also report a passivation study on the MgB2 films. Lastly, we discuss the structural characterization on NbTiN films for S-I-S multilayer structures.

Primary author

Zeming Sun (CLASSE)


Katrina Howard (CLASSE) Thomas Oseroff (CLASSE) Ryan Porter (CLASSE) Prof. Matthias Liepe (CLASSE) Zhaslan Baraissov (Cornell Physics) Nathan Sitaraman (Cornell Physics) Michelle Kelly (Cornell Physics) Prof. James Sethna (Cornell Physics) Prof. Tomas Arias (Cornell Physics) Prof. David Muller (Cornell Physics) Dr Kevin Dobson (Institute of Energy Conversion) Dr Xiaoyu Deng (University of Virginia) Aine Connolly (Cornell Materials Science) Prof. Michael Thompson (Cornell Materials Science)

Presentation materials