Robert Roth
(TU Darmstadt)
The ab initio description of nuclear structure and reactions has seen remarkable progress over the past decade, driven by groundbreaking advances in nuclear many-body theory and the advent of two- and multi-nucleon interactions from chiral effective field theory. As a result, ab initio calculations are now possible for an unprecedented range of nuclei and observables.
I will discuss the transfer of the most advanced nuclear structure tools to the ab initio description of hypernuclei. Starting from two- and three-baryon interactions from chiral effective field theory, we adopt the similarity renormalization group to pre-diagonalize the Hamiltonian and enhance the convergence of the subsequent many-body calculation. Using the no-core shell model we then compute ground and excited states and the full spectroscopy of single-strange hypernuclei throughout the p-shell. For all steps of the calculation explicit $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$ hyperons are included with their physical masses and with the $\Lambda\Sigma$ conversion terms of the hyperon-nucleon interaction. I will show that the $\Lambda\Sigma$ conversion plays a crucial role in hypernuclear structure and has profound implications for the so-called hyperon puzzle in neutron-star physics. Furthermore, I will discuss first ab initio calculations for light neutron-rich hypernuclei out to the neutron dripline.
Primary author
Robert Roth
(TU Darmstadt)
Roland Wirth
(TU Darmstadt)