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Introduction on neutral baryonic systems

Not scheduled
2nd Floor

2nd Floor

Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel 425 Water Street Portsmouth, VA 23704
Abstract Submission


Prof. Josef Pochodzalla (University Mainz and HIM)


Recently, the existence of two neutral bound baryonic systems has been suggested: signals for a bound or weakly unbound tetra-neutron were found at RIKEN, the HypHI experiment at GSI Darmstadt provided a hint for a bound strange nn-lambda system. In this introduction to the topical session bound neutral systems I will briefly recall the experimental results and the theoretical challenges which are posed by these observations. I will also address possibe consequences for doubly strange systems which may be searched for by the future PANDA experiment.

Primary author

Prof. Josef Pochodzalla (University Mainz and HIM)

Presentation materials

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