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Binding, bonding and charge symmetry breaking in Λ-hypernuclei

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2nd Floor

2nd Floor

Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel 425 Water Street Portsmouth, VA 23704
Abstract Submission


Prof. Chhanda Samanta (Virginia Military Institue)


Recent experiments have presented more accurate data on the ΛΛ-binding energies of a few ΛΛ- hypernuclei. This is important as the ΛΛ- bond energies (ΔBΛΛ) of double-Λ hypernuclei provide a measure of the in-medium strength of the ΛΛinteraction. A mass formula, optimized with the newly available ΛΛ binding energy data, is used to estimate the binding energy and bond energy over a wide range of hypernuclei. The ΔBΛΛ values calculated with this mass formula are in good agreement with the experimental data, predictions of the quark mean-field (QMF) model and the relativistic mean-field (RMF) model as well. The ΛΛ-bond energy is found to diminish with neutron numbers, approaching zero near the neutron-drip line. In this formalism, the calculated binding energy difference in mirror nuclei arises from the Coulomb contributions and can be utilized to extract the Coulomb-corrected charge symmetry breaking effect. Our calculations show the regions where more data are needed for light hypernuclei.

Primary author

Prof. Chhanda Samanta (Virginia Military Institue)


Mr Thomas A. Schmitt (Virginia Military Institute)

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