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$K^{bar}$ and nucleus system studied by $^{12}$C($K^-$, $p$) spectrum

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2nd Floor

2nd Floor

Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel 425 Water Street Portsmouth, VA 23704
Abstract Submission


Dr Yudai Ichikawa (apan Atomic Energy Agency)


We have measured an inclusive missing-mass spectrum of the $^{12}$C$(K^-, p)$ reaction at the kaon incident momentum of 1.8 GeV/$c$ at J-PARC K1.8 beam line. This measurement was carried out as a by-product of a pilot run of the J-PARC E05 experiment, which searched for the $\Xi$-hypernuclei via the $^{12}$C($K^{-}$, $K^+$) reaction. We have compared the observed missing-mass spectrum with a DWIA calculation to study the $\bar{K}$-nucleus interaction. In this comparison, we have changed the depth of both real and imaginary part of the optical potential between $\bar{K}$ and nucleus. It is found that the observed spectrum is well reproduced by the calculation of the potential depth of $V_0 \sim -100$ MeV (real part) and $W_0 \sim -40$ MeV (imaginary part). On the other hand, we have observed the definitive excess in the deeply bound region $B_{K} > 100 $ MeV, which cannot be explained by the any optical potential. This excess can be interpreted as a deeply bound $\Lambda(1405)$ nucleus. In this talk, we will report the detail analysis results of this measurement.

Primary author

Dr Yudai Ichikawa (apan Atomic Energy Agency)

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