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$\Sigma$p scattering experiment at J-PARC - results of commissioning run -

Not scheduled
2nd Floor

2nd Floor

Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel 425 Water Street Portsmouth, VA 23704
Abstract Submission


Prof. Koji Miwa (Tohoku university)


In order to investigate ΣN interaction, we proposed a Σp scattering experiment (J-PARC E40) to measure differential cross sections of the Σ+p,Σ−p elastic scatterings and the Σ−p → Λn inelastic scattering in the momentum range of 400 < p (MeV/c) < 700. In January and February 2018, we have performed a commissioning experiment to check the detector system in a few days of beam times. Presently we are analyzing data to evaluate the performance of both the KURAMA spectrometer and CATCH system which is used to detect recoiled proton. In this talk, we would like to introduce our experiment at J-PARC and also report the results obtained from the commissioning experiment. Then we would like to talk the future prospects.

Primary author

Prof. Koji Miwa (Tohoku university)

Presentation materials

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