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Vacuum and In-medium Interactions of Hyperon-Baryon within a Revised SU(3) Based OBE

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2nd Floor

2nd Floor

Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel 425 Water Street Portsmouth, VA 23704
Abstract Submission


Dr madhumita dhar (Balurghat College)


A revised version of SU(3) based meson exchange interaction model has been developed in this work to investigate vacuum hyperon-baryon interaction for the SU(3) octet. The main focus on revising the other existing OBE model was in reducing the number of free parameter of the model since the number of data available are very less and to have a qualitative knowledge on the extent of SU(3) flavour symmetry in the hyperon-hyperon interactions. A good reproduction of data was achieved for free space interaction with the model and hence theoretical predictions can be made. The vacuum OBE interactions were then used to find in-medium interaction. For this a self-consistent G-matrix equation- the Bethe Goldstone equation was used. the nuclear medium effect was included in terms of Pauli projector to the interaction. The effect of medium is found to decrease the strength of the interactions found in terms of cross-section and phase-shift. A detailed study on variation of low-energy behaviour of the interaction showed an interesting feature of density dependent behaviour of the interacting baryon-baryon vertices in terms of scattering length and effective range variation. References: [1] M. Dhar, H. Lenske, in Proceedings of HYP2015, [2] M. Dhar, Dissertation JLU Giessen (2016) [3] H. Lenske, M. Dhar, T. Gaitanos, X. Cao, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 98 (2018) 119–206 [4] M. Dhar et al., in preparation

Primary author

Dr madhumita dhar (Balurghat College)


Prof. Horst Lenske (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Giessen, Germany)

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