The 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle
Physics (HYP2018) will take place in Portsmouth Virginia, U.S.A., from June
24 (Sunday evening) through June 29 (Friday mid-day), 2018.
The HYP conference series brings together theoreticians and
experimentalists working on hadron processes and nuclear systems
containing strangeness, from single to multi-strangeness systems, and
from few-body systems to neutron stars. The topics of the HYP
conference have been extended to related fields such as low-energy
aspects of QCD, dense and cold matter, as well as hadronic and nuclear
systems with heavier flavors.
HYP2018 will be the thirteenth in the series of HYP conferences which
were initiated in 1982 in Heidelberg and held periodically every three
years. After HYP2003 at Jefferson Lab in U.S.A., the conference was
successfully held and rotated between Japan and Europe (HYP2006 in
Mainz, Germany, HYP2009 in Tokyo, Japan, HYP2012 in Barcelona, Spain,
and HYP2015 in Sendai, Japan.)
HYP2018 is sponsored jointly by Hampton University and Thomas
Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab). All sessions
(plenary, parallel, and poster) will take place in the Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel hotel that offers luxurious accommodation for an excellent rate for the vicinity. In addition, the location of conference makes it easy for participants to relax at the beautiful Portsmouth waterside along the Elizabeth River (and visit the Nauticus Naval Museum with the Battleship Wisconsin) and enjoy variety of foods in the restaurants along the street beside the hotel as well as in the nearby Norfok Waterside District and MacArthur Shopping Malls. Participants can also reach famous Virginia Beach on the eastern coast of the U.S.A. by a 15 minute drive, for dinner and/or a swim in the Atlantic Ocean. The Norfolk airport is only 20 minutes away by car or taxi.
* Conference Website:
* Scientific Program:
The scientific program will be organized under the following topics:
1. Production, structure and decay of hypernuclei
2. Multistrange systems
3. Production of strangeness
4. Interactions of mesons and baryons with strangeness
5. Strangeness in hadron structure
6. Strange mesons in nuclei
7. Strangeness in astrophysics and in extreme forms of matter
8. Heavy flavor systems
9. Hypernuclei in heavy ion collisions
10. Future experiments and facilities
The scientific program (Monday, June 25 to Friday, June 29) comprises
invited talks in the plenary and parallel sessions, and contributed
papers in the parallel and poster sessions. In addition, a few special
sessions may be held on specific subjects selected by IAC and OC.
The oral presentations in the parallel sessions will be selected from
the contributed abstracts. The call for abstracts will open on October
16, 2017 and extend to March 2, 2018.
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