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Apr 8 – 10, 2015
Baltimore, MD
US/Eastern timezone

eRHIC: A QCD microscope to study the glue that binds us all

Apr 8, 2015, 11:00 AM
Johnson room (Baltimore, MD)

Johnson room

Baltimore, MD

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor
talk plenary 2


Dr Elke-Caroline Aschenauer (BNL)


Our understanding of the structure of nucleons is described by the properties and dynamics of quarks and gluons in the theory of quantum chromodynamics. With advancements in theory and the development of phenomenological tools we are preparing for the next step in subnuclear tomographic imaging at a future electron-ion collider (EIC). High center-of-mass energies (s√≈45−150 GeV) in combination with extremely high luminosities (10^33−34 cm^−2 s^−2 will provide the precision and a kinematic reach well into the gluon dominated regime. This talk will summarize the e+p and e+A physics program, the experimental and technical realization of an EIC at Brookhaven (eRHIC).

Primary author

Dr Elke-Caroline Aschenauer (BNL)

Presentation materials