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Apr 8 – 10, 2015
Baltimore, MD
US/Eastern timezone

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at JLab 12GeV: First Studies of the Fall 2014 Run at Hall A

Apr 9, 2015, 5:20 PM
Peale C (Baltimore, MD)

Peale C

Baltimore, MD

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor


Marco Carmignotto (The Catholic University of America)


The Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) collaboration is currently taking the first physics data of the 12 GeV era at Jefferson Lab. With the E12-06-114 experiment running in Hall A, we will extend the extraction of the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) amplitudes through the measurement of the $p(\vector{e},e^{\prime}\gamma)p^{\prime}$ reaction, with scaling tests of the cross section with Q$^2$ up to 9~GeV$^2$ at fixed x$_{Bj}=0.36$, $0.50$, and $0.60$. Additionally, separating photons from the decay of neutral pions that are also in the acceptance of our calorimeter will allow us for the extraction of the $p(e,e^\prime\pi^0)p^\prime$ cross section for the same kinematic points. In this talk I will present the first studies of the Fall 2014 data, and discuss preliminary results and projections.

Primary author

Marco Carmignotto (The Catholic University of America)

Presentation materials