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Apr 8 – 10, 2015
Baltimore, MD
US/Eastern timezone

Two-Gluon Correlations in Heavy-Light Ion Collisions

Apr 9, 2015, 4:30 PM
Peale AB (Baltimore, MD)

Peale AB

Baltimore, MD

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor
talk RHIC 4


Prof. Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University)


We present a calculation of the two-gluon production cross section in the saturation framework for a collision of two nuclei. We assume that one of the nuclei is much smaller than the other one: this is the heavy-light ion collision. The gluon correlation function we obtain exhibits both the away-side and near-side 'ridge' structures, giving contributions to the even harmonics (v2, v4, etc) and to the Fourier coefficients extracted from the higher-order cumulants.

Primary author

Prof. Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University)


Mr Douglas Wertepny (The Ohio State University)

Presentation materials