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Apr 8 – 10, 2015
Baltimore, MD
US/Eastern timezone

The free energy and entropy of a heavy quark pair in the quark-gluon plasma

Apr 8, 2015, 5:00 PM
Peale AB (Baltimore, MD)

Peale AB

Baltimore, MD

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor
invited talk RHIC 2


Prof. DMITRI KHARZEEV (Stony Brook University and BNL)


Lattice QCD indicates a large amount of entropy associated with the heavy quark-antiquark pair immersed in the quark-gluon plasma. We argue that the increase of this entropy as a function of the inter-quark distance gives rise to an entropic force that can be very effective in dissociating the bound quarkonium states. In addition, the lattice data show a very sharp peak in the heavy quark-antiquark entropy at the deconfinement transition. In the holographic approach, this peak arises because the heavy quark pair acts as an eyewitness to the black hole formation in the bulk – the process that describes the deconfinement transition. In terms of the boundary theory, this entropy likely emerges from the entanglement of a “long string” connecting the quark and antiquark with the rest of the system.

Primary author

Prof. DMITRI KHARZEEV (Stony Brook University and BNL)

Presentation materials